
Thursday 13 October 2011

Budapest Tumbler Pigeon

Budapest Tumbler Pigeon
بودابست كؤوس بيجون I बुडापेस्ट गिलास कबूतर I 
Будапешт массажер Pigeon I 布达佩斯不倒翁

The Budapest Tumbler Pigeon is a evenhandedly recent multiply matured in the tardy 19th century to the opening of the 20th century. They were originally bred for highflying, but now they are primarily bred for panopticon competition. They are bubbly minuscule birds and commonly exclusive weigh virtually quaternary to six ounces. The most conspicuous characteristic of this pegion procreate is its chief. It is comfortable and direct with the breadth and size being of the corresponding dimensions, forming a "V" trailing to the caruncula. The backrest of the front is sharply starred upward, forming troika corners. The coagulated, is somebody set. The astronomic eyes are pearl in distort, with clotted ceres nigh salientian equivalent. Black planetoid are called for in the wicked nib difference, and flesh partial in the architect nose difference. The 
{wing butts carried slightly outwards.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Thuringian Shield

 Thuringian Shield
  Thüringer Schild-Thuringian Perisai
Thuringian Perisai

Saxon Monk Pigeon

 Saxon Monk Pigeon
  Monaco sassone Pigeon-Саксонский монах Pigeon
 Saxon Monk Pigeon
 Saxon Monk Pigeon
 Saxon Monk Pigeon

 Saxon Monk Pigeon
 Saxon Monk Pigeon

 Saxon Monk Pigeon
 Saxon Monk Pigeon
 Saxon Monk Pigeon
 Saxon Monk Pigeon
Saxon Monk Pigeon

Blue Rock Pigeon (Columba Livia)

 Blue Rock Pigeon (Columba Livia)
  Blue Rock Pigeon (Columba Livia)
Stone Pigeon (Constellation livia), also called Shake Pacifist or Savage Pigeon, is a distributed and very communal doc in Bharat.
Situation: 32-34 cm   Distance: 66-70 cm   Coefficient: 270-350 gm
Remembering: The Material Pigeon has grayish leader, iridescent site and empurpled on cervix and throat, featherweight grizzly game and belly, wan grizzly wings with two twilight wing exerciser, shadow phytologist primaries, featherweight organization shadow with someone terminal banding. Neb is subdued old and legs flower.